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Children et Teens


15 to 20 persons

Number of facilitators

1 facilitator







Expected output/s :
1. Participants will be able to use the 4 basic approaches of ideating : creating, transforming, improving, and disrupting
2. Participants will be able to work as a team to propose ideas and build on ideas of others
3. Participants will be able to adapt ideas to a specific audience

Expected short term outcomes :
1. Teamwork
2. Creativity
3. Empathy/adaptability

Connection with the long-term outcomes :
1.Develop education skills (in this case, innovative methods for developing scientific mindset)
2. PSS support: develop confidence, team skills, and provide entertainment.
3. There is an increased mutual recognition and acceptance of diversity : by working as teams, and by adapting to/accepting a judge and his/her personal preferences.

Prerequisites for the audience

Tips and trick for the facilitator :
You have the choice in either creating the set of cards yourself or do it with the participants. If done with the participants, the activity will include two sessions.
( Credit : this idea comes from this video :
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWgl1KTdlYY
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtnK-2ovj08 )


The equipment you need to do this activity :
1. Post its
2. A box to put the ideas of objects in
3. Paper
4. Colour pencils or felt pens
5. 4 tables and chairs for 5-6people per table
6. Maybe a prize or trophy for the winners?
7. If you decide to fully create the cards then : Internet access to find images, printer, scissors, and laminator.

Content used

The content you need to do this activity :
If you have “Disruptus” game you can use it. Else all contents will be created in the game.